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- Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Anne's Lace
(Daucus carota) Annual or biennial in the Umbel Family, native to Eurasia. Ancestor of cultivated carrot. Feathery carrot foliage gives rise to umbels of white flowers, with a single red flower in the center of each umbel. Beloved by pollinating insects; not just bees but various wasps and flies. Medicinally used for birth control or as an emergency contraceptive with variable rates of success (see sisterzeus.com). Root is edible, but not usually very palatable. Highly drought-tolerant.
Planting suggestions: Thrives in poor, disturbed soils, including those with plow-pans, which it breaks up eventually. Direct-sow up to a month before the Final Frost. Expect uneven germination over time (including the next season). Thin to 12” apart. Harvest seeds (the medicinal portion) when they are easily rubbed off the umbels. Self-sows enthusiastically.
Contains 100 seeds.