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- Buckwheat
(Fagopyrum esculentum) Warm-weather annual in the Polygonaceae Family. Cover-crop and gluten-free grain. Suppresses weeds by sprouting and rapidly filling in and by exuding allelopathic chemicals from its roots that discourage the growth of neighboring plants. Young leaves can be tossed in a salad. Attracts bees and other pollinators.
Cultivation & harvesting suggestions: Sow seeds when soil has warmed up. Buckwheat is not frost-tolerant and grows quickly only in Summer. Thin to 6-12″ apart in rows 12-24″ apart. If green-manure is desired, wait until 10% of flowers have opened, then chop down and turn under. For grain, wait until most seeds are dry. Cut plants, arrange in windrows or cocks, and let sit for another two weeks. Pull under cover if rain threatens. Thresh and winnow. Removing hulls is a mystery we have not solved!
Contains 100 seeds