Love-in-a-Mist Mix
per item
(Nigella sativa) Annual in the Ranunculus Family, native to the South and Southwest Asia. Also known as “Black Cumin”, for its pungent bitter seeds used in various Middle Eastern cuisines. 8-18” tall. Highly ornamental flowers and seedpods. Drought-tolerant once established. This mix is mostly blue and white. Our cats loved hiding in it.
Planting suggestions: Average garden soil sufficient; prefers dryish conditions. Full sun to part sun. Direct-sow in garden around the Final Frost. Thin to 6” spacing. Harvest seeds when pods are dry by tapping pods into bowl; pods have holes on top like salt-shakers. Self-sows enthusiastically; plant where you don’t mind having Love-in-a-Mist forever.
Contains 50 seeds